My week with Elsby & Co

Getting my placement with Elsby & Co

Near the start of the academic year, my school launched our work experience programme for all year 12 students to go out mid-July 2024, to gain practical knowledge of the working environment, in an industry more specific to the one we are interested in pursuing in the future, than previous opportunities. Therefore, as I know I want to become an accountant in the future, I researched all accounting firms locally to me. After a vast span of emails sent out, a few letters and phone calls, and a lot of ignored contact, I had a response from Ann Phillips at Elsby & Co, showing me the Work Experience Road Map. My first impression was how organised and professional their system was, detailing when applications close, the screening and so on.

Soon after, I had contact from Nikki at the recruitment agency, organising a phone call with me. This was my first experience at an interview style like this and I feel it went very well, as she asked me questions and we had a chat about my future goals and ambitions. I then was told that I was successfully shortlisted through to a group activity interview. This is where a group of us came in and completed an activity under observation, to see how we work together, which was a fun experience, even if my team were far from the correct answer! Not long later, I was offered a placement at Elsby and Co. in Rushden, with details of activities to be completed. All throughout the process, I was very impressed by the structured approach, with formalities and professionalism during the whole thing, with easily approachable contacts for any queries or questions.

Prior to the start of the week, in the post I was amazed to receive a package from Elsby, with postcards detailing my weeks timetable and policies, on-brand stationary, and a lovely, branded flask.

How my week started

Once the week began, on arrival I was greeted by Ann who explained to me the week’s arrangements and we had a chat about me. Any nerves I may have had previously soon went away, as everybody was so kind and welcoming, big smiles and introducing themselves. I felt valued straight away and with a well-designed,  loaded timetable ready, knew that this placement was going to be more than just making people cups of tea! This is supported by them giving me a laptop to use software for the week, in a professional environment.

I started my week in Admin, learning the crucial role they play in booking client’s information in, taking phone calls, sorting post and emails constantly. Sophie showed me clearly the systems they use, how to do certain processes and explained what is happening at every stage as we went through a typical morning’s work. In the afternoon I went to Payroll, where Tina showed me the ropes of dealing with client’s payroll that they’ve outsourced to Elsby & Co., with weekly, monthly or quarterly pay, where she thoroughly went through National Insurance and pensions coming out of a payslip, which you don’t learn in school. I liked how payroll was a structured process from one thing to another, working with lots of numbers and functions in software!

I spent an afternoon in Bookkeeping, with Lorraine and team, watching the fundamental precursor to the accounts team, where I learnt about the software that they use to complete their spreadsheets, to provide the accounts team the most efficient way of processing client’s information to build up their work. I liked how professional the team were, often working together on client’s information, helping each other out to be the most efficient at operating possible.

Learning the ropes

I then spent a couple of days with the Accounts team, where Warren had built specialist work experience examples, learning the fundamentals of accounts, with for example, credits and debits, balance trails and profit/loss accounts. I loved how everybody clearly cared about giving me a good experience, taking the time to build up these systems and looking after me well. We then looked at real client work, completing a full tax return and making up spreadsheets with specific information pulled from client’s data to give them a comprehensive analysis and advice, but learning at the same time about how for example, VAT or personal tax allowances work.

To finish off my week, I spent time with Katy in Marketing, learning about advertising and operating media, with the best ways to reach clients effectively. I did a few practical activities, for example designing a social media campaign. It was nice to see this side of the business too, considering it is an essential part to gaining clients. Without clients, nobody else has any work to do!

How my week went

I learnt a lot this week! My highlight was being with accounts, working with numbers and spreadsheets in order to do actual clients work, helping them and advising what would be best considering their current state as I love working with people. That’s another great thing about Elsby & Co, not only does each person work with a small group of clients, having personal connections, they work in a friendly, fun but productive environment. With everybody around being so warm and friendly, it is easy to talk to them and get advice from the professional’s opinion about how is best to enter the field.

After completing this week with Elsby & Co, I will be sad to go as I have enjoyed every part. When I applied, I expected to be bogged down with numbers all week, but it was a great experience to see every part of how Elsby & Co operates, giving me as much exposure as possible to all different avenues of the business and finance world, to see what I enjoy and therefore giving me a better insight as to what I want to do in the future. They haven’t scared me off from accounting though! This week has given me so many opportunities to see aspects of the business world and has given me a better idea of what I want to do in the future, which potentially includes returning to Elsby & Co. but maybe more permanently, as I have had such a good time!

From start to finish, I have had such an organised, professional and pleasant experience with Elsby & Co. and would recommend them to anybody who may be interested in work experience, their financial accounts doing or training to be an accountant themselves! Overall, 10/10, 5 stars, a great company and I am so grateful that they have made this experience possible for me.


Written by Brandon Saul – Work Experience Student July 2024